Angel Art Heals
I have been working with the Angels for many years, who guide my hand as I paint. The Angels use the paintings as a vehicle to reach out to those in need of guidance and healing.More recently I have been guided to make Angelic videos, that carry the actual vibration of the Angels, and to make the Angel Videos available worldwide.
I have hundreds of Angelic paintings at my Angel Gallery and most visitors can easily feel the presence and healing vibrations of the Angels and Archangels, which helps to trigger Spiritual understanding and healing and a sense of deep peace.
My Challenge was to capture this on video.
Healing Angel Art Gallery
The Angelic presence was very strong when I made this video of my Angel Gallery, and I feel that the Angelic Healing Energies can be felt as you watch. See if you can feel the deep and abiding LOVE of the Angels come through to you.
It is very relaxing and uplifting, almost as healing as an actual visit to Sanctuary Angel Gallery.