Angels exist in my life. I am fortunate to be blessed with a very close connection to Angels in my every day experience, life and work!
I always had a very "Spiritual connection" from a young child.
I knew that "Spirits" existed and could feel a higher source at work within my every day life.

I receive a lot of guidance I like to call DOWNLOADING lol.
Angels often take on problem solving inwardly and outwardly.
Many of you may not know that Angelic Beings cannot really help unless asked, which is a form of permission or free will.
The answers are not always like getting run over by a bus with a big booming god like voice as often shown in the movies haha. Thank GOODNESS for that or I would have run off the road in shock a thousand times by now!
We need to be open to their answers and allow our intuition to listen to their guidance.
I use the term "The Angels" because there are too many for my pea brain to begin to know each and every one. Sometimes the information I receive is so prolific, I am very busy trying to listen, and I can feel there is more than one Angel at work!
I am aware that most of all important is where my intention lies and we at Anaheart Sanctuary, have a very strong understanding of ethics and only the utmost Respect, Love and Gratitude for our Angelic helpers and are continuously working towards the highest good of all.
Angels know where our Intention sits, which is a very important thing to remember.
I believe it is this reason that I can share a great sense of humour with Angels.. and treat these Beings as I would a Best Friend.....
I have a great deal of fun with My Angels and I am sure they have a great deal of fun with me.

I am fortunate enough to work with these Beings offering healing to others.
This is a picture of what my clients see when they lay on the massage table for healing in my Healing Roon at Sanctuary.
My connection grew stronger and stronger with My Angelic helpers when I was very unwell with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
I could only explain this time in my life as feeling stuck in a seemingly endless & extremely painful and powerless state, and was bedridden for a very long time with this illness.
In the Darkest times.... These Angelic beings gathered around me and gave me so much relief with what I term Angel Hugs. It was such a lovely feeling. I could feel the warmth and energy flowing through me from them, during these times and it would often bring me to tears of gratitude.
I remember back to a time I was searching desperately for answers: What is the true meaning of Chronic Fatigue? What part of the body is not functioning correctly? Never feeling in my heart that it was incurable like the Medical Professionals all claimed.
Around this time of continued questioning to the Angels, I called my Mother.
Mum had her own problem to solve and I mentioned the above questions I had to her.
I remembered a book that popped into my head a few days beforehand for her specific problem; but I could not remember the exact name or where it was. Within seconds a cupboard I stored all my books in popped open and my Anatomy/ Physiology book fell out OPEN with the exact book for Mum laying on top of the open page!

I laughed... said thank you to The Angels and explained what happened to Mum..........The anatomy book was open on the page of the Endocrine System...
It was years later that I met someone else with Fibromyalgia; who was participating in various fibromyalgic research based hospital tests, who explained; that a nurse mentioned during her tests that similarities seemed to be related and pointing directly to the endocrine system. I giggled and promptly told her the story.
These kinds of instances happen all the time.
The illness although very long and grueling to say the least... taught me so much.
I learnt that I was a Human BEING not a Human DOING. This was a most important and profound lesson. We are NOT just what we can do regardless of what outside influences would have us believe.
There had to be a reason to exist beyond DOING.

I was just as important to the ANGELS as I was before I got sick.
Sometimes the hardest lessons in life can lead to the most profound knowledge and understanding.
Not that I would prefer hard lessons as I do believe we can all chose to learn via happy lessons if we wish and I DO WISH!
Over and Out for now,
Angel Hugzzz,
Angel Whispers
To view more Anaheart Angel Art click here
Copyright Glenyss Bourne 2008 all rights reserved.